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Purpose and Function of the Smalley Parish Council

"our responsibilities"

                                                                 SMALLEY PARISH COUNCIL

                                                                      MISSION STATEMENT

The Parish Council is the part of local government which is closest to the people. It serves the smallest geographical area and is responsible for the most local of matters. Members of Smalley Parish Council are elected volunteers.

The Parish Council has a number of basic responsibilities which it exercises on behalf of the people of Smalley.


These responsibilities fall into three main categories:-

       -Representing the people of the Parish.

       -Ensuring delivery of services to meet local needs.

       -Striving to improve quality of life in the parish.


Duties include the maintenance of open spaces and footpaths, bus shelters, traffic-related issues and parking, litter bins, grass cutting in common areas and crime reduction measures.

The Council raises a sum of money, called a “precept”, which is collected with the Council tax each year. This is used to fund these activities, and to maintain and improve facilities and services for the Parish.


Smalley Parish Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the values of the Smalley community and to enhancing the quality of village life and pride in Smalley. Its mission is:-

1. To promote and represent the interests of the village of Smalley, to embrace progress and to improve the quality of life of the local community.

2. To have an open relationship with the people of Smalley; to listen to their concerns and views, understand their needs and aspirations; and to explain how the Council will address these within the powers and resources available to it.

3. To encourage and promote social and community values by working with and supporting, where practicable, local organisations, groups and agencies to provide additional services and facilities to the village.

4. To encourage and promote the long term vitality and renewal of the village, where appropriate through partnerships with other Parish councils, organisations and levels of government.

Smalley Parish Council meets on the third Monday of each month* in the Parish Hall. Meetings start with a public session, allowing members of the Parish to attend and raise particular items of interest or concern. An annual Parish Meeting is held in April.


* - Smalley Parish Council does not conduct meetings in August

Our Council: Welcome
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